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Important Info about Vibrations and Energy

Updated: Jul 8, 2023

Quantum Reality

Everything has a vibration. At the very base of matter are electrons, quarks and neutrinos that vibrate. The rate of vibration is what leads to how matter is expressed. The vibration of a dog is different than a cat's. (Where's my cat peeps!?) A lion has a different vibration than a bobcat. We are vibrational beings. Our emotions also have a vibrational signature. Anger, shame and fear carry lower vibrations. Joy, gratitude and love are higher vibrations.

Your life experiences, good and bad, leave vibrational energy imprints within your energy field. These imprints become the source of your patterns in this lifetime. How do your early life experiences shape the patterns in your life today? Have you thought about why you seem to repeat the same relationships with different people? Have you wondered why your life looks the way it does? The answer lies within. It's not your conscious mind that's running things, it's the subconscious vibrational patterns that are creating your reality.

Good vibes only - A Positive Mental Attitude

What does it mean when we say that? We all know what it's like to be around Debbie/Danny Downer. They can't seem to find the bright side of things. They always seem to have a complaint or a morbid prediction of some kind ready to share. Attitude is contagious. You don't want someone else to bring your vibe down! Good vibes people express positivity, optimism, and gratitude. They are just more pleasant to be around! Someone with a “PMA” (positive mental attitude) can even inspire you to be more positive. It's natural to want to protect your energy by limiting your contact with Debbie.

raise your vibration, healing trauma memory

Years ago my church did a book study on A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen. In his book, Will outlines the benefits of giving up the habit of complaining which allows you to “Start enjoying the life you always wanted.” I've always been an optimist but had become accustomed to sharing negativity. My church community accepted the challenge to avoid complaining for 21 days. It was very empowering to practice positive speaking and thinking. The practice was to wear a bracelet on the same wrist for 21 days. Every time you complained you had to switch the bracelet to the other wrist. I highly recommend the book and the challenge. I think I made it 19 days!

The Problem - Traumatic Experience

There are two types of trauma. “Big T” Trauma and “little t” trauma. Big T trauma comes from experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event such as an assault, a car accident or or not having your basic physical needs met. “Little t” trauma comes from things we all experience like rejection, failure, or in some cases verbal or emotional abuse. These experiences cause emotions to lodge in your body. For some, these experiences can wreak havoc on your relationships and your success.

As a therapist, I've long recognized that people subconsciously tend to seek romantic partners similar to their parents. This is a subconscious attempt to gain the love they craved from their parents. In the last two years, my understanding of that phenomenon has expanded to include the influence of trapped emotions.

Problematic patterns are created when you aren't able to identify and properly care for the wounds of these unresolved traumas. Those “vibes” then move into your subconscious mind. Trauma gets stored in the cells of your body. Without some deeper release work, you continue to hold the feeling vibrations that were created in your early life experiences. The vibrations within your body then become a signal attracting similar vibration experiences. Subsequently creating a cascade of low-vibe situations and people in your life.

There are many techniques out there being taught to help people overcome these low vibes by changing their thinking. While it's possible to move yourself to a higher vibration with conscious thought at times, the base vibration from your trauma is still there as your “default” setting.

The Old Solution

So how can you raise your vibration? We get to higher vibes by releasing low vibration emotions and healing the wounds beneath them. For some people this means years of therapy. Talking through your history, seeing your past in a new light. Building skills to help regulate your nervous system and your emotions is imperative in this process. Others find peace and healing through recovery groups or self help. These methods rely on the power of your conscious mind to create changes in your thinking and your behavior. With a computer analogy, it's like installing new programs on an old computer. Without expert help, It takes a while to find a program that is compatible with your hardware.

talk therapy for acute trauma

I've been a member of a 12 step group for 27 years. Anonymous self help groups (expanded from the original Alcoholics Anonymous –born in Akron OH) have been the setting for tremendous self exploration, healing, and fellowship around the world. No one “graduates” from the 12 step way of life.

Why do I continue to go back to meetings week after week, year after year? I go because the structure and support helps me override the default settings created by a painful past. I go to meetings and get the inspiration and tools I need to avoid old patterns. I take in these positive vibes and feel them. While my own baseline “default” vibes are low, they eventually take over again. What I continue to discover in the 12 step fellowships is very necessary to my work as a therapist and for managing all the relationships in my life. But it hasn't taken me to a permanent state of healthy thinking.

Intuitive Energy Healing

More to come here!! Stay tuned!

What is Trauma?

Trauma is a term used to describe the emotional and psychological harm caused by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event or series of traumatic events. Trauma can have a profound impact on an individual's mental health and well-being, often leading to a range of trauma-related symptoms.

Some common examples of traumatic events include accidents, natural disasters, physical or sexual assault, violence, war, or the sudden loss of a loved one. These events can have long-lasting effects on a person's mental and emotional state, potentially resulting in conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or acute stress disorder.

When it comes to treating trauma, mental health professionals play a crucial role. Trauma therapy, trauma-focused therapy, and trauma-informed therapy are specialized approaches designed to help individuals heal from trauma and manage trauma-related symptoms. These therapies often involve evidence-based techniques such as prolonged exposure therapy or cognitive processing therapy, which aim to address and process traumatic memories and promote healing.

A trauma-informed therapist is a mental health professional who has received specialized training to understand and respond to the unique needs of individuals affected by trauma. They create a safe and supportive environment for clients, acknowledging the potential impact of trauma on their lives.

Recognizing trauma-related symptoms is an essential aspect of understanding and addressing trauma. These symptoms can manifest in various ways, including flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance, avoidance behaviors, emotional distress, and disrupted relationships. Psychological trauma can profoundly affect an individual's mental health, making it crucial to seek appropriate support and treatment.

Treating trauma requires a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach. Mental health professionals, in collaboration with individuals affected by trauma, develop personalized treatment plans that may incorporate various trauma therapies, counseling, medication, and other supportive interventions. The ultimate goal is to help individuals heal, regain a sense of safety and control, and rebuild their lives after experiencing trauma.

Small T Traumas- Examples of Minor Traumas

Minor or small traumas refer to events or experiences that may not be as severe or life-threatening as major traumas, but still have an impact on an individual's well-being. These events can accumulate over time and contribute to emotional distress or psychological harm. Here are some examples of minor or small traumas:

1. Repeated bullying or harassment: Persistent bullying, teasing, or harassment at school, workplace, or within social circles can have a cumulative effect on a person's self-esteem, confidence, and emotional well-being.

2. Emotional neglect: Growing up in an environment where emotional needs are consistently unmet or ignored can leave individuals with feelings of emptiness, low self-worth, and difficulties forming healthy relationships.

3. Loss of a pet: The death or loss of a beloved pet can evoke feelings of grief, sadness, and loss, particularly if the pet has been a source of comfort and companionship for a long time.

4. Public humiliation or embarrassment: Experiences of being publicly humiliated, ridiculed, or embarrassed can leave lasting emotional scars, impacting one's self-image and confidence.

5. Breakup or rejection: Ending a significant romantic relationship or experiencing rejection in relationships can cause emotional pain, feelings of loss, and negatively affect self-esteem and trust.

6. Relocation or frequent moves: Constantly moving homes, changing schools, or frequently relocating can disrupt stability, social connections, and a sense of belonging, leading to feelings of dislocation and loss.

7. Witnessing or experiencing minor accidents: Witnessing or being involved in minor accidents, such as car accidents or falls, can create feelings of fear, vulnerability, and anxiety, even if physical injuries are not severe.

8. Verbal criticism or belittlement: Consistent criticism, belittlement, or harsh words from a parent, partner, or authority figure can erode self-confidence, self-worth, and create long-lasting emotional wounds.

It's important to note that the impact of these events can vary depending on an individual's resilience, support system, and personal history. Even though these traumas may be considered "minor" in comparison to more severe events, they can still have a significant impact on a person's well-being and may require support or therapy to heal and recover.

How Energy Work Can Help Trauma

Energy work like what 614Wellness offers can play an integral role in healing traumas. Energy healers work with the subtle energy systems of the body to promote balance, restore harmony, and support the overall well-being of an individual. While energy healing does not replace traditional therapy or medical treatment, it can complement and enhance the healing process, including addressing traumas. Here's an explanation of how an energy healer could help with healing traumas:

1. Clearing energetic blockages: Traumatic experiences can create energetic blockages or imbalances in the body's energy system. An energy healer can identify and work with these blockages, helping to release trapped energy and restore the flow of vital life force energy. By clearing these blockages, the healer supports the individual in releasing and letting go of the energetic imprints associated with the trauma.

2. Rebalancing and aligning the energy system: Traumas can disrupt the natural balance and alignment of the energy system. An energy healer can assist in realigning and harmonizing the chakras, meridians, and aura, which are vital components of the energy system. This realignment promotes a sense of grounding, stability, and overall well-being, creating a more conducive environment for healing.

3. Energetic release and emotional catharsis: Traumas often result in suppressed or unexpressed emotions. An energy healer can create a safe and supportive space for the individual to release and process these emotions. Through various energy healing techniques, such as gentle touch, breathwork, or visualization, the healer can facilitate emotional catharsis, allowing the person to release pent-up emotions and find emotional relief.

4. Energetic protection and boundary setting: Trauma can leave individuals feeling energetically vulnerable or with weakened energetic boundaries. An energy healer can teach techniques to strengthen and protect the energy field, helping individuals establish healthy boundaries and prevent the absorption of negative energies from their environment. This can contribute to a greater sense of safety, security, and empowerment.

5. Promoting relaxation and stress reduction: Traumatic experiences often leave individuals in a state of heightened stress, anxiety, or hypervigilance. Energy healing techniques, such as Reiki, healing touch, or sound therapy, can induce deep relaxation, activate the body's natural relaxation response, and reduce stress levels. By supporting relaxation and stress reduction, energy healing helps to create a conducive environment for the body's innate healing mechanisms to operate optimally.

6. Facilitating spiritual and personal growth: Trauma can lead to a questioning of one's purpose, meaning, and spirituality. Energy healers can provide guidance, support, and insights on the spiritual aspects of healing, helping individuals connect with their inner wisdom, inner resources, and higher states of consciousness. This can foster personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose beyond the trauma.

It's important to note that the specific techniques and approaches employed by energy healers may vary. The effectiveness of energy healing for trauma healing can also vary among individuals. Therefore, it's essential to work with a qualified and experienced energy healer who aligns with your needs, values, and preferences. Energy healing should always be seen as a complementary approach to trauma healing and used in conjunction with appropriate professional help and support.

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